I found a big Pumkin it only cost me about $3, so I had to get it for the Halloween picture this year. We put Keku in it and tried to put Elias in it but I guest he did got bigger. Alex and I thought he is still our little boy, but not anymore......
We had a great fun in October. This year Elias changed his mind so much on what he wanted to be for Halloween, from Spiderman to Hulk, to Mr. Incredible to Rock Start, than finally he set his mind on "Dog". So we were doggy family this year. It was Fun!!
When we were in Las Vegas we went to Paris Hotel just to see what do they have in there. It brought back the memory that I have for Paris when I was in there when I was 18. Alex took us to a ice cream place inside the Paris Hotel. Wow! it's word for it. Their ice cream really really creamy and delicious! Elias ate all of mind which was chocolate. and I only got two bits. But Keku also joined with us to had a jar of his baby food! "Grean beans" is his favorite.....many all the flavor are his favorite! ^^
We went to Las Vegas shortly after we got to Uath. We went to meet PoPo when she went there to have some fun. It was nice to see her again. And Elias was so happy to see her even now he still talk about that trip all the time. After we met PoPo the first time in Las Vegas Elias came to me and used his small voice and said" Thank you mom!" I knew then how much this trip was mean to him. He really misses PoPo!
Well, our trip back to Utah from VA was nice, we didn't stop too much and the boys were great. I sit in the back seat with them most of the time so Keku would be fine. Alex did all the driving. He was a great driver. I think we all did what we good at it. Elias was just as good as gold!!
wow~ I haven't gone on my blog for a long time....I am sorry! So....we left VA about two and half months now. Things are going well with the help from Alex's family and the blessings from the Lord. We are so grateful.